Sunday, April 21, 2013

Daisy Purse

Daisy Purse
April 21 2013
   This purse was an experiment on using Timtex. It is a thicker, heavier interfacing, a form of stabilizer. I read some reviews, and people didn't like it. I found someone who suggested cutting it short, and adhering it with fusible interfacing, to the main fabric purse pieces. I figured i would use some pieces of Flannel i had from making pajama bottoms. And use Batting in place of the timtex. It is about 13.5" by 11". On the other one, i would trim the Timtex a bit more in from the edges, and corners.

Front pattern pieces, with batting fused with fusible interfacing

The corners are cut out, so when you sew the sides and bottom, you flatten the sides and sew a flat bottom. 
The inner pockets are sewn to the lining.

Inner pockets are sewn to the lining.

I had a hard time deciding on the strap. 
Did i want a double strap or a single?
I went with a double. I cut them 36" by 1.5". I pressed the edges in about half an inch, and in the center, then folded them all up. They turned out about a half inch wide, i then top stitched them.

Straps all pressed, fold in the edges, then into the center, so it is about half an inch wide.

I had the sides and bottom all sewn, when i decided, I WAS going to quilt all around the Daisy's. So i had to rip it all back out, with JACK! *
I pressed little pieces of interfacing to the top middle of the lining, to add stability to the sew on magnet snaps.
And pressed under the top edges, so later i could top stitch around the edges.

at top are the lining pieces, at bottom are the outer pieces. :)

Sewed the side edges and bottoms together.

Lining and outer pieces all sewn together.

Squish the bottom corners flat

flatten out the bottom corners

 sew the corners so your bottom is flat and wide.

sew the bottom corners

 Check out the magnet snaps, and quilted outer pieces. I didn't do all the flowers, just the yellow and orange ones.

I am all excited, it is turning out so well.

Sewing the top edges around, and catching in the bottom ends of the straps.
If i had done a single strap it would have gone on the sides, where the side seam is. 
This would have made it a bit hard to sew them on.

Watch out for the pins.

WHAT do ya think?


Someone we see all the time in joanns, said, She loved it, and it was ME!!
* Jack the ripper.
Ignore the dates, when i take out the sd card, it sometimes resets to the beginning date. This was an April 2013 project. 
  Next the Timtex version. I have created a paper pattern, but the leftover fabric pieces are not big enough. I will have to piece the bottom. Which is one thing i didn't like of those purchased patterns. :(
love diane

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