Sunday, September 18, 2011

My Quilt Labels. Sept 18, 2011

In the past, my quilt labels were made using Microsoft Picture It, or Printmaster 12, and printing the labels out onto Printer fabric. I would insert a graphic, add the quilt name, my name, date of start and finish, and maybe who machine quilted it, or the fabric designer. The care instructions, who it is for, and if it was shown in any shows, could also be added to the label. Some have tucked extra fabric under the label, in case some is needed for later repairs. I normally did 4 to 6 labels at a time, on one sheet of the Printer Fabric. This was when i was doing lots of small quilts.

This is the label I made for the first Jungle Song quilt, using Laurel Burch Fabric. I found a zebra graphic somewhere and inserted it.
This is the label I made for the Memory Quilt I made for my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary.
I couldn't decide what to do with this quilt, I didn't want to waste a whole sheet of the printer fabric on just one label.
But I forgot about the tearing off of the Embroidery stabilizers. BUMMER!! I should have used the Tear away stuff. 
This is obvious the back of my label.  I decided to use a pattern run stitch around the edge, rather than a needle and spool of thread  Embroidery design I had.  I was afraid they would not show up with the colorful Laurel Burch fabric.
This is after I tore out most of the stabilizers TEENY TINY PIECES, thankfully without tearing the Embroidery stitching apart. I used extra for a backing, so there is extra for any future repairs. :(

In the past, as the first two photos show, I tucked the labels outer edges into the outer quilt seam, and incased it into the outer binding. But as I did this quilts outer binding, I had forgotten. I had to figure something else out. I stitched around the outer edges, leaving an opening for turning it inside out.
I than hand sewed it onto the lower left corner. (I can never remember which corner is the proper one.)
I wanted something that would blend in, not stand out, or i would have used black.
Thank you, love dek

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